Some collectibles around the world help fill in what happened, if you don’t look it up online straight away.īetween the story beats of each arc which take the form of fights, there are side quests that usually have you collecting something or fighting generic enemies.

Everything is here and I was surprised with the number of faces and references to the original Dragon Ball series. When the game was first announced I was worried they would be just focusing on a few of the sagas, and we’d be spending years just waiting to play through the whole DBZ series. It even goes beyond that and into the Dragon ball movies that came before DB Super (and subsequently made into DB Super arcs). Starting from the very beginning and going right up to the end, with the newly added ‘A New Power Awakens’ content. Kakarot is a fairly straightforward retelling of the Dragon Ball Z story. Does it rock the dragon, or does it deserve a place in the home for infinite losers?
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (+ A New Power Awakens Set) takes us back to the beginning, to live out the series with an open-world spin.

Although that never stopped many games retelling the DBZ saga, more recently the Xenoverse games which provide ‘what if’ scenarios.

It’s a series that truly made it as a mainstream franchise, which only got a proper continuation in more recent years. It’s hard to imagine here in Australia it only started airing in 2000, whereas in Japan it was a decade earlier. With the amount of Dragon Ball Z or DBZ adjacent games you’d think that the anime series was still recent.